Starting the Web Server

This documentation assumes that you know what MAT_PKG_HOME refers to. See the "Conventions" section in your platform-specific instructions in the "Getting Started" section of the documentation.

All platforms

You have two options for running the Web infrastructure: either running the MATWeb script in a shell, or starting up a multipane terminal application. In the latter case, you'll be presented with four panes:

Either in pane 1, or in the console if you've just started up MATWeb, you'll see something like this:

Web server started on port 7801.

Web server command loop. Commands are:

exit - exit the command loop and stop the Web server
loopexit - exit the command loop, but leave the Web server running
taggerexit - shut down the tagger service, if it's running
restart - restart the Web server
ws_key - show the workspace key
help, ? - this message

Workspace key is S6KHBrVEk3RI1dM5XU7q5CQ8vNILokXI

The workspace key is an element of workspace security; a new key is generated each time the user starts the Web server (but is preserved if the user issues the "restart" command in the command loop).

Details for each platform follow.


Once you've built the toolkit, you can start it up as follows.

% bin/ &

This will launch the mrxvt tabbed terminal application. To shut down the toolkit, exit the mrxvt application (closing the window ought to do it).

If you prefer to run your application in a single terminal, do this instead:

% bin/MATWeb

You'll see the output of the Web server console, interspersed with other status messages from the Web server. To shut down MATWeb, type "exit" or hit Ctrl-C.


Once you've built the toolkit, you can start it up as follows:

% bin/ &

This will launch the Terminator tabbed terminal application. To shut down the toolkit, exit the Terminator application via Terminator -> Quit Terminator (or Apple-Q). You'll be prompted with warnings about the applications that will be shutting down; press the Close button for each warning.

If you prefer to run your application in a single terminal, do this instead:

% bin/MATWeb

You'll see the output of the Web server console, interspersed with other status messages from the Web server. To shut down MATWeb, type "quit" or hit Ctrl-C.

Windows native

Once you've built the toolkit, you can start it up by double-clicking on %MAT_PKG_HOME%\bin\mat_controller.bat on your desktop. This will start up a cmd window, and then, a few seconds later, you'll see the Console tabbed terminal application showing the four panes described above. To shut down Terminator, press the "x" in the upper right corner. The cmd window will exit soon after Console exits.

If you prefer to run your application in a single terminal, open a cmd shell, via Start -> Run -> "cmd". In this shell, type the following at the command prompt:

> bin\MATWeb.cmd

You'll see the output of the Web server console, interspersed with other status messages from the Web server. You can exit this application by typing "exit" or hit Ctrl-C.


Once you've built the toolkit, you can start it up by double-clicking on the "MAT controller <version>" shortcut on your desktop. This will start up a cmd window, and then, a few seconds later, you'll see the Console tabbed terminal application showing the four panes described above. To shut down Terminator, press the "x" in the upper right corner. The cmd window will exit soon after Console exits.

If you prefer to run your application in a single terminal, open a Cygwin bash shell, via Start -> Run -> "c:\cygwin\cygwin.bat" . In this shell, type the following at the command prompt:

$ bin/MATWeb

You'll see the output of the Web server console, interspersed with other status messages from the Web server. You can exit this application by typing "exit" or hit Ctrl-C.