Scoring Engine


The scoring engine compares two tagged files, or two directories of tagged files. Typically, one input is the hypothesis (an automatically tagged file) and the other is the reference (a gold-standard tagged file). But this tool can be used to compare any two inputs.

There are three spreadsheets which can be produced: tag-level scores, token-level scores, and details. By default, only the tag-level scores are produced.

Tag-level scores

The tag-level score table has the following columns:

The label which is being scored in this row. The final row will be a cumulative score, with label "<all>". If the --task option is specified (see below), the task.xml file may specify an "alias" for a tag plus some attribute subset (e.g., for named entity, an ENAMEX tag with attribute "type" = "PERSON", with an alias of "PERSON").
test docs
The number of test (hypothesis) documents. This value will be the same for all rows.
test toks
The number of tokens in the test documents. This value will be the same for all rows.
The number of span annotations for this tag which occur with the same label and same span extent in the hypothesis document and its corresponding reference document.
The number of span annotations which bear this tag in the reference document which overlap with a tag in the corresponding hypothesis document, but does not match the tag, or the span extent, or both. Note that a count in this column may be mirrored by a corresponding count from the point of view of the hypothesis document in the hypclash column.
The number of span annotations which bear this tag in the reference document but do not overlap with any tagged span in the corresponding hypothesis document.
refclash + missing
refonly + match
The number of span annotations which bear this tag in the hypothesis document which overlap with a tag in the corresponding reference document, but does not match the tag, or the span extent, or both. Note that a count in this column may be mirrored by a corresponding count from the point of view of the reference document in the refclash column.
The number of span annotations which bear this tag in the hypothesis document but do not overlap with any tagged span in the corresponding reference document.
hypclash + spurious
hyponly + match
match / hyptotal
match / reftotal
2 * ((precision * recall) / (precision + recall))

The user can also request confidence information. To compute confidence information, the scorer produces 1000 alternative score sets. Each score set is created by making M random selections of file scores from the core set of M file scores. The scorer then computes the overall metrics for each alternative score set, and computes the mean and variance over the 1000 instances of each of the precision, recall, and fmeasure metrics. This "sampling with replacement" yields a more stable mean and variance. This procedure adds three columns (mean, variance and standard deviation) to the spreadsheet for each of the metrics; these columns appear immediately to the right of the column for the metric.

Token-level scores

The token-level score table has the same columns as the tag-level table, with some reinterpretations and additions. For all the columns in the tag-level score table which count span annotations, the corresponding columns in the token-level score table counts tokens in those annotations. Note that what this means for refclash and hypclash is that these can only reflect tag clashes, never extent clashes, because the tokens and their extents in the pair of documents are identical. The additional columns are:

(test toks - refclash - missing - spurious)/test toks (essentially, the fraction of tokens in the reference which were tagged correctly, including those which were not tagged at all)
1 - tag_sensitive_accuracy
(test toks - missing - spurious)/test toks (essentially, the fraction of tokens in the reference which were properly assigned a tag - any tag)
1 - tag_blind_accuracy

The user can also request confidence information. The confidence information is computed in the same way as it is for tag-level scores. Confidence information is reported for all four of these additional columns.


The detail spreadsheet is intended to provide a span-by-span assessment of the scoring inputs.

the name of the hypothesis from which the entry is drawn
one of missing, spurious, spanclash, tagclash, bothclash, match (the meaning of these values should be clear from the preceding discussion)
the label on the span in the reference document
the start index, in characters, of the span in the reference document
the end index, in characters, of the span in the reference document
the label on the span in the hypothesis document
the start index, in characters, of the span in the hypothesis document
the end index, in characters, of the span in the hypothesis document
the text between the start and end indices in the reference document
the text between the start and end indices in the hypothesis document



% $MAT_PKG_HOME/bin/MATScore

Windows native:

> %MAT_PKG_HOME%\bin\MATScore.cmd

Usage: MATScore [options]

Core options

--task <task>
Optional. If specified, the scorer will use the tags (or tag+attributes) specified in the named task.
--content_annotations ann,ann,ann...
Optional. If no task is specified, the scorer will try to use the metadata in the document to determine which annotations are content annotations and which are token annotations. If this metadata is absent (e.g., if the 'metadata' slot in a mat-json document is unpopulated), the scorer requires additional, external information. Use this flag to provide a commma-separated sequence of annotation labels which should be treated as content annotations. Ignored if --task is present.
--token_annotations ann,ann,ann...
Optional. If no task is specified, the scorer will try to use the metadata in the document to determine which annotations are content annotations and which are token annotations. If this metadata is absent (e.g., if the 'metadata' slot in a mat-json document is unpopulated), the scorer requires additional, external information. Use this flag to provide a commma-separated sequence of annotation labels which should be treated as token annotations. Ignored if --task is present.

Hypothesis options

--file <file>
The hypothesis file to evaluate. Must be paired with --ref_file. Either this or --dir must be specified.
--dir <dir>
A directory of files to evaluate. Must be paired with --ref_dir. Either this or --file must be specified.
--file_re <re>
A Python regular expression to filter the basenames of hypothesis files when --dir is used. Optional. The expression should match the entire basename.
--file_type <t>
The file type of the hypothesis document(s). One of the readers. Default is mat-json.

Reference options

--ref_file <file>
The reference file to compare the hypothesis to. Must be paired with --file. Either this or --ref_dir must be specified.
--ref_dir <dir>
A directory of files to compare the hypothesis to. Must be paired with --dir. Either this or --ref_file must be specified.
--ref_fsuff_off <suff>
When --ref_dir is used, each qualifying file in the hypothesis dir is paired, by default, with a file in the reference dir with the same basename. This parameter specifies a suffix to remove from the hypothesis file before searching for a pair in the reference directory. If both this and --ref_fsuff_on are present, the removal happens before the addition.
--ref_fsuff_on <suff>
When --ref_dir is used, each qualifying file in the hypothesis dir is paired, by default, with a file in the reference dir with the same basename. This parameter specifies a suffix to add to the hypothesis file before searching for a pair in the reference directory. If both this and --ref_fsuff_off are present, the removal happens before the addition.
--ref_file_type <t>
The file type of the reference document(s). One of the readers. Default is mat-json.

Score output options

Note that all the CSV files created by the scorer are in UTF-8 encoding.

If present, generate a separate spreadsheet providing detailed alignments of matches and errors. See this special note on viewing CSV files containing natural language text.
By default, the scorer generates aggregate tag-level scores. If this flag is present, generate a separate spreadsheet showing aggregate token-level scores.
If present, the scorer will compute means and variances for the various metrics provided in the tag and token spreadsheets, if --csv_output_dir is specified.
--csv_output_dir <dir>
By default, the scorer formats text tables to standard output. If this flag is present, the scores will be written as CSV files to <dir>/bytag.csv, <dir>/bytoken.csv, and <dir>/details.csv.
By default, the scorer produces CSV files with spreadsheet equations for computed values. If this flag is present, the CSV files will contain actual values instead.
By default, the scorer uses Excel-style formula separators in its spreadsheet equations. If this flag is also present, the scorer will use OpenOffice formula separators. (The formula formats are incompatible, and the formulas will be recognized in either Excel or OpenOffice, but not both.)

Other options

The readers referenced in the --file_type and --ref_file_type options may introduce additional options, which are described here. These additional options must follow the --file_type and --ref_file_type options. The options for the reference file types are all prepended with a ref_ prefix; so for instance, to specify the --xml_input_is_overlay option for xml-inline reference documents, use the option --ref_xml_input_is_overlay.


Example 1

Let's say you have two files, /path/to/ref and /path/to/hyp, which you want to compare. The default settings will print a table to standard output.


% $MAT_PKG_HOME/bin/MATScore --file /path/to/hyp --ref_file /path/to/ref

Windows native:

> %MAT_PKG_HOME%\bin\MATScore.cmd --file c:\path\to\hyp --ref_file c:\path\to\ref

Example 2

Let's say that instead of printing a table to standard output, you want to produce CSV output with embedded formulas, and you want all three spreadsheets.


% $MAT_PKG_HOME/bin/MATScore --file /path/to/hyp --ref_file /path/to/ref \
--csv_output_dir $PWD --details --by_token

Windows native:

> %MAT_PKG_HOME%\bin\MATScore.cmd --file c:\path\to\hyp --ref_file c:\path\to\ref \
--csv_output_dir %CD% --details --by_token

This invocation will not produce any table on standard output, but will leave three files in the current directory: bytag.csv, bytoken.csv, and details.csv.

Example 3

Let's say you have two directories full of files. /path/to/hyp contains files of the form file<n>.txt.json, and /path/to/ref contains files of the form file<n>.json. You want to compare the corresponding files to each other, and you want tag and token scoring, but not details, and you intend to view the spreadsheet in OpenOffice.


% $MAT_PKG_HOME/bin/MATScore --dir /path/to/hyp --ref_dir /path/to/ref \
--ref_fsuff_off '.txt.json' --ref_fsuff_on '.json' \
--csv_output_dir $PWD --oo_separator --by_token

Windows native:

> %MAT_PKG_HOME%\bin\MATScore.cmd --dir c:\path\to\hyp --ref_dir c:\path\to\ref \
--ref_fsuff_off ".txt.json" --ref_fsuff_on ".json" \
--csv_output_dir %CD% --oo_separator --by_token

For each file in /path/to/hyp, this invocation will prepare a candidate filename to look for in /path/to/ref by removing the .txt.json suffix and adding the .json suffix. The current directory will contain bytag.csv and bytoken.csv.

Example 4

Let's say that you're in the same situations as example 3, but you want confidence information included in the output spreadsheets:


% $MAT_PKG_HOME/bin/MATScore --dir /path/to/hyp --ref_dir /path/to/ref \
--ref_fsuff_off '.txt.json' --ref_fsuff_on '.json' \
--csv_output_dir $PWD --oo_separator --by_token --compute_confidence_data

Windows native:

> %MAT_PKG_HOME%\bin\MATScore.cmd --dir c:\path\to\hyp --ref_dir c:\path\to\ref \
--ref_fsuff_off ".txt.json" --ref_fsuff_on ".json" \
--csv_output_dir %CD% --oo_separator --by_token --compute_confidence_data

Example 5

Let's say that you're in the same situation as example 3, but your documents contain lots of tags, but you're only interested in scoring the tags listed in the "Named Entity" task. Furthermore, you're going to import the data into a tool other than Excel, so you want the values calculated for you rather than having embedded equations:


% $MAT_PKG_HOME/bin/MATScore --dir /path/to/hyp --ref_dir /path/to/ref \
--ref_fsuff_off '.txt.json' --ref_fsuff_on '.json' \
--csv_output_dir $PWD --no_csv_formulas --by_token --task "Named Entity"

Windows native:

> %MAT_PKG_HOME%\bin\MATScore.cmd --dir c:\path\to\hyp --ref_dir c:\path\to\ref \
--ref_fsuff_off ".txt.json" --ref_fsuff_on ".json" \
--csv_output_dir %CD% --no_csv_formulas --by_token --task "Named Entity"

Example 6

Let's say you're in the same situation as example 3, but your reference documents are XML inline documents, and are of the form file<n>.xml. Do this:


% $MAT_PKG_HOME/bin/MATScore --dir /path/to/hyp --ref_dir /path/to/ref \
--ref_fsuff_off '.txt.json' --ref_fsuff_on '.xml' \
--csv_output_dir $PWD --oo_separator --by_token --ref_file_type xml-inline

Windows native:

> %MAT_PKG_HOME%\bin\MATScore.cmd --dir c:\path\to\hyp --ref_dir c:\path\to\ref \
--ref_fsuff_off ".txt.json" --ref_fsuff_on ".xml" \
--csv_output_dir %CD% --oo_separator --by_token --ref_file_type xml-inline

Note that --ref_fsuff_on has changed, in addition to adding the --ref_file_type option.