The Default Carafe Engine

While it's possible to use your own training and tagging engine in MAT, MAT provides Carafe, a CRF-based sequence tagger, as a default training and tagging engine. The flags for configuring Carafe are available in a number of locations in MAT.

Carafe also provides an English tokenizer.

The tokenizer

The Carafe tokenizer step is MAT.JavaCarafe.CarafeTokenizationStep.


Command line option
XML attribute
--heap_size <s>
a heap size for the Java VM
The Carafe tokenizer is a Java application which tokenizes batches of documents at a time, and the default heap size may not be adequate for your data. The value here is passed to the Java VM using the -Xmx argument. Values like 512M or 2G are examples of expected values. This setting overrides any equivalent setting in the <java_subprocess_parameters> in the task.xml file.
--stack_size <s>
a stack size for the Java VM
The Carafe tokenizer is a Java application which tokenizes batches of documents at a time, and the default stack size may not be adequate for your data. The value here is passed to the Java VM using the -Xss argument. Values like 4096k or 512k are examples of expected values. This setting overrides any equivalent setting in the <java_subprocess_parameters> in the task.xml file.
If present, treat the signal as XML and tokenize XML elements and entities as single tokens.

The tagging engine

The Carafe tagging engine step is MAT.JavaCarafe.CarafeTagStep.


Command line option
XML attribute
"yes" (XML)
By default, the MAT engine will contact the MAT Web server to tag a document, because the Web server has the capability of starting up and monitoring a long-living tagger task. The reason this is beneficial is that the Carafe tagger, like many model-based taggers, has a fairly expensive startup cost. To block the engine from contacting the Web server, and force it to start up and shut down the tagger on its own, specify tagger_local="yes".
--tagger_model <model>
a string, a filename of a Carafe model
If the task does not have a default model, the user must specify the location of the tagger model.
a float
The Carafe tagger can be biased toward recall or toward precision. This setting biases the Carafe tagger to favor precision (positive values) or recall (negative values). Default is -1.0 (slight recall bias). Practical range of values is usually +-6.0.
--heap_size <s>
a heap size for the Java VM
The Carafe tagger is a Java application, and the default heap size may not be adequate for your model. The value here is passed to the Java VM using the -Xmx argument. Values like 512M or 2G are examples of expected values. This setting overrides any equivalent setting in the <java_subprocess_parameters> in the task.xml file.
--stack_size <s>
a stack size for the Java VM
The Carafe tagger is a Java application, and the default stack size may not be adequate for your data. The value here is passed to the Java VM using the -Xss argument. Values like 4096k or 512k are examples of expected values. This setting overrides any equivalent setting in the <java_subprocess_parameters> in the task.xml file.
--tagging_pre_models <s>
a string
If present, a comma-separated list of glob-style patterns specifying the models to include as pre-taggers. This is an advanced feature that normal users will not be using.
If present, Carafe will use its internal tokenizer to tokenize the document before tagging. If your workflow doesn't tokenize the document, you must provide this flag, or Carafe will have no tokens to base its tagging on. We recommend strongly that you tokenize your documents separately; you should not use this flag.

The training engine

The Carafe training engine class is MAT.JavaCarafe.CarafeModelBuilder.

Basic options

There is only one setting here that you should change on any regular basis:

Command line option
XML attribute
--lexicon_dir <dir>
a pathname
If present, the name of a directory which contains a Carafe training lexicon. This pathname should be an absolute pathname, and should have a trailing slash. The content of the directory should be a set of files, each of which contains a sequence of tokens, one per line. The name of the file will be used as a training feature for the token. You can use this feature, for instance, to provide implicit part-of-speech information (e.g., create a file named ADJ which contains a sequence of words that are adjectives) or name information (e.g., create a file named NAME which contains a sequence of tokens which can occur in proper names).

On the command line, overrides any possible default in the <build_settings> for the relevant model config in the task.xml file for the task.
--heap_size <s>
a heap size for the Java VM
The Carafe trainer is a Java application, and the default heap size may not be adequate for your data. The value here is passed to the Java VM using the -Xmx argument. Values like 512M or 2G are examples of expected values. This setting overrides any equivalent setting in the <java_subprocess_parameters> in the task.xml file.
--stack_size <s>
a stack size for the Java VM
The Carafe trainer is a Java application, and the default stack size may not be adequate for your data. The value here is passed to the Java VM using the -Xss argument. Values like 4096k or 512k are examples of expected values. This setting overrides any equivalent setting in the <java_subprocess_parameters> in the task.xml file.
If present, parallelizes the feature expectation computation, which reduces the clock time of model building when multiple CPUs are available.
an integer
If --parallel is used, by default 3/4 of the available CPUs will be used. If you want to control the absolute number of CPUs, use this flag.

Advanced options

The options in this section are documented here for completeness. If you're not familiar with the Carafe training engine and its implementation, the chances are that you'll never use any of these values. If you want to use them, someone who is knowledgeable about Carafe should set these values for you in task.xml, and unless you really know what you're doing, you should not override them on the command line.

Carafe provides the option of using non-standard training methods. One of those methods is called periodic stepsize adjustment (PSA). This method, when used correctly, is significantly faster than the normal training mechanism. However, it sometimes performs less well in situations which are not yet clear. You might prefer to use it if you're doing comparative analysis of multiple models, or you're just starting off with a rough-and-ready system and you don't need to optimize on accuracy yet. The --max_iterations flag governs the number of training cycles; more is not necessarily better, because the engine may overfit to the data.

The documentation for the --feature_spec flag below refers to Carafe feature spec files. The documentation for how to create these files can be found in the Carafe documentation, which is located here if you're viewing this documentation via a Web server, or in src/jcarafe.../resources if you've received MAT as a tarball. Similarly, if you want details on the --gaussian_prior, --no_begin, --l1, and --l1_c flags, see the Java Carafe documentation.

The documentation for --tags and --pre_models refers to an advanced feature of Carafe where it can use tagging models to generate input features for multi-stage tagging. We will not discuss this advanced capability of Carafe any further.

Command line option
XML attribute
--feature_spec <file>
a filename
Name of the file that contains the Carafe feature specification. A simple default specification will be used if none is provided. An example can be found in resources/default.fspec in your Java Carafe directory. If the filename is not an absolute filename, it will be interpreted relative to the directory of the task which is being trained for. (This is because this option more likely to be provided in your task.xml file rather than on the command line.)

On the command line, optional if feature_spec is set in the <build_settings> for the relevant model config in the task.xml file for the task.
If present, specify a training method other than the standard method. Currently, the only recognized value is psa. The psa method is noticeably faster, but may result in somewhat poorer results. You can use a value of '' to override a previously specified training method (e.g., a default method in your task).
--max_iterations <num>
an integer
Number of iterations for the training mechanism to use. Current defaults are 200 for standard training, 10 for PSA training. On the command line, overrides any possible default in the <build_settings> for the relevant model config in the task.xml file for the task.
a string
If present, a comma-separated list of tags to pass to the training engine instead of the full tag set for the task (used to create per-tag pre-tagging models for multi-stage training and tagging).
a string
If present, a comma-separated list of glob-style patterns specifying the models to include as pre-taggers.
a float
A positive float, default is 10.0. See the jCarafe docs for details.
Don't introduce begin states during training. Useful if you're certain that you won't have any adjacent spans with the same label. See the jCarafe documentation for more details.
Use L1 regularization for PSA training. See the jCarafe docs for details.
a float
Change the penalty factor for the L1 regularizer. See the jCarafe docs for details.
If present, Carafe will use its internal tokenizer to tokenize the document before training. If your workflow doesn't tokenize the document, you must provide this flag, or Carafe will have no tokens to base its training on. We recommend strongly that you tokenize your documents separately; you should not use this flag.