Span annotation

The Web UI that comes with MAT is a rich, logging-enabled tool for viewing, processing and annotating your documents. We describe how to use it here.

We assume that you've started the Web server and the UI.

Note: because of its current implementation, the UI can become extremely sluggish with files which contain large numbers of annotations. We have found that, if your document contains token annotations, ~100K is the practical limit for raw documents given current browser and JavaScript implementations.

The file menu

The file menu looks like this:

[file menu]

The five things you can do from this menu are:

Each of these operations brings up a dialog so you can proceed. In this section, we'll focus on simple span annotation in file mode, accessible via "Open file...".

Loading and viewing files in file mode

The "Load document" dialog

When you select "File -> Open file...", you'll be presented with the following dialog:

[load document

The "Task" menu will be active, and the "Workflow" and "Input" elements will be disabled. Once you select an item from the "Task" menu, the "Workflow" menu will be enabled; once you select a workflow, the "Input" element will be enabled. If MAT knows of only one element for either the task or the workflow, those elements will be automatically selected for you.

The workflows are established in your task configuration file. Choose the workflow that's appropriate for what you're going to do. E.g., in the "Named Entity" task:

In addition to those, the "Workflow" menu allows you to open a document read-only, and to open a reconciliation or comparison document:

[file menu with workflow]

Select the appropriate document type and encoding for the document. If the document is a raw document, select "raw" from the "Document type" menu; or, select "mat-json" for rich annotated documents in the MAT JSON format (other document types will also be available). The encoding for MAT JSON documents will be fixed as utf-8. You also have the option of providing an optional memo, which will be echoed in the "Tabs" menu and the document title bar. Once you've filled out the appropriate elements, the "Open" button will be enabled:

[load document

If you press the "Open" button, the dialog will vanish and you'll see a new tab in the upper left region of your window, and the task-related information about your document will appear in the upper right region.

The file mode document window

At this point, your UI will look like this:

The tab contains the basename of the document, and the hand annotation status is shown above the document text, below the tab (here, it says "Hand annotation unavailable"). At the right end of the title tab, there are two icons. The "-" hides the document, and the "x" closes it; you can make a hidden document visible again using the "Tabs" menu.

In the upper right region, you see the task controls on top, with a more complete description of the document name, the workflow menu, and a sequence of steps. The arrows below the steps allow you to move one step forward or one step backward; the "Reload" button allows you to reload the document. Below the task controls is the tag legend.

The "up" arrow to the right of the "Controls" and "Legend" labels allows you to contract that section of the task information.

When there's an active tab, the "File -> Save..." submenu is enabled:

[raw plus menu]

This menu allows you to save the document in various formats. Note: if you're having trouble finding the document you saved, please keep in mind that the browser, not the MAT UI, is responsible for saving your file. In particular, if you haven't configured your browser to prompt you for where to save your file, it will be saved to your browser's download directory. To fix this in Firefox, see the documentation on starting the UI. Here's another view of the UI, after two steps (zone and tokenize) have been applied by pressing the forward button:

The following changes are visible:


Whenever the hand annotation status line reads "Hand annotation available (swipe or left-click)", you may edit the content annotations for your document.

Adding an annotation

To add an annotation, either swipe or left-click in the document text where there are no content annotations. Swiping selects a range of tokens; left-clicking selects a single token. In this example, we've swiped:

[add annotation]

The annotation menu pops up automatically. In this example, where the text is previously unannotated, the menu contains, for each content annotation, the option to add that annotation. The menu items are styled with the same CSS that the resulting annotation will be styled with. Optionally, the menu may present a keyboard accelerator; here, if you press "O" when the menu is visible, it's identical to selecting "Add ORGANIZATION" from the annotation menu. The result is shown here:

[added annotation]

If you place your mouse over the annotation you've added, the tagging information line immediately below the text changes to show the name of the annotation:


And now that you've added an annotation, your annotation popup will provide the option of repeating the last annotation. If, say, you move on to annotate "Pakistan" as a location in the third line, and then make another selection, you'll see "Repeat LOCATION" as an option in your annotation popup:

[repeat annotation]

Note that this option always has the keyboard accelerator "=". So in this case, you can mark this next occurrence of "Pakistan" as a location either by pressing the "L" or "=" keys, or by selecting "Add LOCATION" or "Repeat LOCATION" from the annotation popup menu.

Removing an annotation

To remove an annotation, left-click the annotation:

[add or modify]

From the menu, select "Delete annotation", or press the <tab> key. The annotation will be removed. If you'd rather replace the annotation with a different one, simply select that option with the mouse or via the keyboard accelerator; the current annotation will be removed and the new one added.

Adding an overlapping annotation

In some cases, you'll want to add annotations which overlap each other. To do this, swipe the region of text you wish to add an annotation to. Do not left-click on an existing annotation without swiping; the UI will interpret this as a request to perform an operation on the annotation (i.e., autotag, delete, or replace).

[add or modify annotation]

If you select "Add LOCATION" in this case, you'll now see a "stacked" display of the overlapping annotations:

[stacked annotations]

The stacking order is currently arbitrary,. You may discover that when you add an annotation, it might become the annotation behind the text, and the new annotation may be moved to above the text.

Note: this stacked view is only available during hand annotation. If hand annotation is not enabled, the stacking will "collapse" into a single line, and if you hover your mouse over overlapping annotations in that case, you'll see, in the tagging information line, all the annotations at that position. In a future release, it may be possible to force the stacked view when hand annotation is not available.

Modifying an annotation extent

As you can see, when you swipe over an existing annotation, you have the option of modifying the extent of that annotation. If the region contains multiple overlapping annotations, one of two things will happen. In the first case, if each "layer" has no more than one annotation on it, the popup menu will present you with the option of modifying the extent of the annotation on a particular layer:

[stacked modify]

If any layer has more than one annotation under the swipe, instead of having a separate entry for each layer, there will be a single option "Modify extent...", and when you choose it, you'll be presented with an opportunity to choose the annotation which you intend to modify. The extent of your swipe will be shown by a dotted-line box; any annotation which overlaps with this box is eligible to be selected to be modified:

[stacked modify multiple]

You may cancel the modification, either by pressing "Cancel" or closing the popup using the "x" in the upper right corner. If you select an annotation outside the boundary box, you'll be presented with an error and the modification will be cancelled.


You'll notice, above, that when you select an annotation, the popup menu contains not just the options to replace or remove, but also to "Autotag matches". If you select this option, all the eligible spans in the text which are not yet marked and match the existing span will be assigned the same annotation label as the already-annotated span. If you select a span of text which covers multiple annotated segments, the autotag process will be applied to each annotated segment. Autotagging has the following properties: